Intrafamilial Transfers
What is an Intrafamilial Transfer (IFT)?
IFTs can occur between a grandparent, parent, spouse, or child. IFT's do not apply to cousins, siblings, in-laws, step-parents/child, etc. PC 16720
If the IFT is between California residents:
You can just download form BOF 4544A, complete the information, and mail it with a payment to the California Department of Justice. More specific information on IFTs can be found HERE.
How can I obtain form BOF 4544A?
If the IFT is coming from outside California:
The firearm must not be configured as an 'Assault' weapon, and be legal for transfer. It must be received/processed through an FFL holder. Generally, the process is as follows:
1. The transferor ships the firearm to us from outside of California with a tracking number;
2. Upon receipt, we will set up an appointment to process the transfer.
3. Tranferee completes DROS paperwork, pays fees, and undergoes the '10-day' waiting period,
Click here for a sample letter for out-of-state IFT
If you wish to initiate an IFT, submit the FFL Contact Form below.
FFL Contact Form
All transfers are done by appointment only. Online purchases must come from an FFL.