Documents Required for Transfer
All transactions are done by appointment at 2014 Pacific Avenue, Suite #2, Stockton, CA 95204. Park and access from the rear parking lot. Required documents must be original and valid. If you do not have the required documents, your appointment can be rescheduled along with an additional fee of $40.
1. Valid CALIFORNIA Driver's License or Identification*
REAL ID; it does NOT have 'Federal Limits Apply' (FLA) in the corner
FLA requires that you bring a valid US Passport or certified copy of your birth certificate
ID has a current physical address. If the address is not physical or current, read #2.
2. Valid Secondary form of Identification or Residency
Must have your (transferee) name and current physical address. Bring at least one:
ATF regulations require a government-issued document with your name and physical address for secondary identification. Bring one of these current, original documents:
CA vehicle registration
CA Hunting license or CCW permit
Municipal utility bill (electric, gas, cable, landline phone). Must be current within 90 days.
California DOJ regulations require one of the following for secondary residency. Bring one of these current, original documents:
CA vehicle registration
CA Hunting license or CCW permit
Utility bill (electric, gas, cable, landline phone). Must be current within 90 days.
Valid lease agreement (current within 90 days)
Not valid: Satellite TV, cell phone, garbage, insurance certificate, mortgage statement, etc.
3. Valid Firearm Safety Certificate (FSC)*, or
Valid CA CCW permit with a current physical address.
PC 832 firearms training (1990 or newer) certificate
Documented exemption: Active, reserve, honorably retired US military or peace officer; CA DOJ certified instructor.
4. Printed copy of your invoice for sales tax collected.
If sales tax was not collected by the Seller, we are required to collect it at 9% of the purchase price or MSRP.
5. Approved Firearm Safety Device (FSD)*
Handguns must come with an OEM FSD, or you will be required to purchase one or produce a receipt showing you purchased one 30 days on or before your DROS. Safe Affidavit is not allowed.
Long guns must come with an OEM FSD, or you will be required to purchase one, or you can complete a Safe Affidavit attesting to ownership of an approved safe.
A previously owned cable lock from another firearm is not permitted. Info HERE.
Waiting Period: There is a mandatory waiting period of 10 consecutive, 24-hour periods ("10-days") before you can take possession of your firearm. The waiting period starts when your DROS paperwork is submitted to CA DOJ.
30-day Pickup: You must take possession of your firearm no later than 30 days after the start of your DROS. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the DROS process and pay an additional fee.
To initiate a transfer, please complete the FFL Contact Form below.
FFL Contact Form
All transfers are done by appointment only. Online purchases must come from an FFL.